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‘Tis The Season For Search!


Sleigh Bells, SEO, PPC and More. ‘Tis the season for ramping up your online efforts.

It’s that time of year again.  That’s right, the Holidays!  Festive commercials have already been on TV for a month and trees and garlands are popping up all over malls and neighborhood shopping centers.  But is your business holiday ready?

Though time is ticking, it’s not too late to engage in digital marketing efforts that can positively impact your traffic and help you stay competitive in this all-important shopping season.  The two tactics that all businesses should be keeping in mind year-round are Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and pay per click (PPC) advertising; although, they are especially impactful during the last quarter of the year.

SEO and PPC at a Glance

SEO is a long-term strategy that all businesses should be employed to help their sites show up as high as possible when potential customers do an organic search.  An organic search is one in which someone types in a word or string of words in order to find a website that matches their needs.  For example, if someone is getting ready to head to the mountains with the family for a New Year’s ski trip, she may type in “best skis” or “ski lessons for kids”, and so on.  Websites that have properly implemented an effective SEO strategy will tend to show up on the first page in applicable searches.  SEO takes time and should never be considered a quick fix, but if you aren’t already doing it, now is the time to get started.  Often, there can be quick wins for a few keywords or terms that could make a difference in how many customers find you.  Though some may consider doing SEO on their own, for truly effective results, it is often best to turn to an experienced SEO agency or professional.

PPC is can also be very effective, and especially so during the holidays.  The beauty of PPC is that you only pay for the ads when a customer actually clicks on it and is navigated to your site.  And they can be started with very little notice, typically showing ads on the search engines within a few days.  A good digital marketing agency that has expertise in PPC will be able to place the ads where your customers are likely to shop and browse, and help craft ad copy that gets their attention.  Campaign duration can be as long or short as you need and can be crafted to fit almost any business’s budget.

Broaden your reach during the holiday season and year-round with long-term (SEO) and short-term (PPC).  And also remember that a few good clicks can pay for the entire effort!